PC Tools Weekly Presents: HandBrake

File-It-Under: Tools for the system By: D.F.Skin




Its been awhile since I did this,PC Tools Weekly where I try to recommend free software alternatives that you absolutely have to have for your Windows machine,without being biased I will also suggest apps you’ll need for the Mac. Today we take a good look at HandBrake which is a Multi-threaded open source trans-coding app that was developed by a guy name Eric Petit ,the main purpose of the app is to make it easy for users to rip film from DVD’s and store it on any device.

I personally use the software to convert video projects into another video format so I can easily upload videos to YouTube. The app is available for Windows, OS X (Mac users) and Ubuntu. The software main features are Encoding which customizes video output by altering bit rate, Batch, Video Filtering, you can trans-code video from DVD’s and Blu-ray Disc.

Since the software is open source which means its a free download,I strongly suggest that you go on the actual website http://handbrake.fr and download this app , please stay away from CNET download site it contains tons of malware and browser hijacking programs.

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